VBR Piping Pro - SketchUp Extension Review
VBO Piping Pro is a module running in Trimble SketchUp. Its content makes pipes from edges in chosen groups and/or components, likewise adding fittings to vertices. VBO Piping Pro is developed by the KCDA group. Some of the other sketchUp plugins offered by the same devs are VBO Dimensions, VBO Toggle Color by Layer, VBO Grids, and VBO LayOut Splitter.
The Latest version of this extension is: v2.1.3, which you can download from the extension warehouse.
Usage of VBR Piping Pro:
Manufacture Pipes Branch: All inside edges of chosen groups/components will be gone to pipe with alternatives (assortment, size, sort of closure fitting and proceed fitting.) This can be chosen in an information box.
Branches modifier: A device helping to alter fitting. The client can turn, physically supplant fittings, include and supplant lessen bramble, redraw branches. Additionally can name and add shading to any branches.
2D/3D: A speedy exchanging of showing the branches in 2D/3D see, base on turn on/off the layers "8_mep_piping2D" and "8_mep_piping3D".
Double snap: Edit Group/Component to a branch will permit clients to alter the source edges and vertices. The branch will be refreshed to it's "settings" when the client completes the Group/Component altering.
The VBO Piping Pro comes with 6 channel assortments: Metal, PVC, HDPE, PPR, Weld, Electrical. Additionally, VBO Piping Pro can make a BOM (Bill Of Materials) of funnels and fitting.
Technical Specifications: The VBO Piping Pro runs with Trimble SketchUp version 2019 only, so far. Later versions may or may not be compatible - the team will welcome feedback on that.
It is available for the windows version of SketchUp Pro at this moment. The latest version that has been published is 2.1.3, which was updated last on 11th December of the last year.
This sketchup extension is available in extension warehouse extensions.sketchup.com
To get online demonstration, watch the following video tutorial.
Video Source: kcda vbo