CutList Bridge 4.4 is available in extension warehouse

Joe Zeh has developed CutList Bridge 4.4. This newest sketchup extension is compatible with SketchUp 8, SketchUp 2013, SketchUp 2014, SketchUp 2015, SketchUp 2016, SketchUp 2017, SketchUp 2018.

This sketchup ruby extension can be used to export a cut list to Excel, OpenOffice Calc and CutList Plus fx.

It expands the characteristics of components to contain such things as the material type employed in its milling, the species or material name, re-sized dimensions, shop method tags, the sub-assembly to which it belongs and lots other.

These attributes are connected to the component and preserved in the model file. The user can export these characteristics to either a .cwx or .csv file. CWX files are opened in CutList Plus fx Gold or Platinum editions with simple clicks on the .cwx file(needs version 12.3 or higher).

CSV files are imported to CutList Plus fx (applying a Parts import Wizard), Microsoft Excel, Open/Office Calc or any spread sheet application that supports CSV importing. All of these applications will generate a cut list but CutList Plus fx will also generate a materials list, optimized cutting diagrams, inventory control and project costing.

The most vital feature of CutList Bridge is that it preserves all components? material and milling attributes in the SketchUp model file.

The user should retain only one file of a design and doesn?t require for synchronizing other files when modifications to design are done. The CWX, CSV, CutList Plus fx, Excel or OpenOffice Calc files are reproduced with just four mouse clicks.

For online demonstration, go through the following video tutorial.

Video Source Joe Zeh

CutList Bridge 4.4 is available in extension warehouse