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Participate in the BEST Kitchen Design Contest and showcase your woodworking project

Woodworking Network is going to organize an exclusive content on BEST Kitchen Design. The Timber Products Company will sponsor the competition. By participating in this content, the kitchen designers will be able to present their premier kitchen handiwork from the previous 14 months.

In order to take part, everybody has to provide a photo and some of the project details. The winning project will receive a $500 Visa gift card plus a custom-made award.


For submitting an entry, visit the registration page for rules and entry requirements and to present your project. Before sending any entries, it should be kept in mind that all entries must contain wood- or wood product-based cabinets. All entries must reach within Feb. 12, 2014 and March 1, 2014.

Participate today and submit your project in the BEST Kitchen Design Contest.


Participate in the BEST Kitchen Design Contest and showcase your woodworking project

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