nz_ForceField for sketchup ? Newest sketchup extension in extension warehouse

Natale Zappia has developed another useful plugin alias nz_ForceField for sketchup users. It is well suited with SketchUp 2016, SketchUp 2017, SketchUp 2018, SketchUp 2019.

The plugin controls vertices, groups and components with a form altering force that will shockwave via the entities by remoulding them.


Expansion: force of repulsion (bloat).
Contraction: force of attraction (pinch).

Limited Radius: a tapering force functions only with a specified sphere.
BySelection: the force functions across from the clickpoint to the furthest point.

Augment the strength the force operating upon the objects.

Freeform: Selection furthest edges progress with the force field.
Preserve: Selection furthest edges be fixed in their original position.

Potential Applications:

1. Inflate Sails
2. Pinch Fabrics
3. Generate organic shapes
4. Crinkle existing ones

To get the details about nz_ForceField, click on the following link

Watch the online demonstration of this sketchup extension.

Video Source Natale Zappia

nz_ForceField for sketchup ? Newest sketchup extension in extension warehouse