MAXON released New Cinema 4D R17 having integration with Sketchup
MAXON has added another wing to its mainspring 3D animation, graphics, VFX, visualization, and rendering software by announced Cinema 4D Release 17 (R17).
Cinema 4D R17 contains most updated, developed and totally revised features which can improve the performance of designers as well as manipulate and produce excellent content. With the latest Take System called Central to Cinema 4D R17, the render layers and animation variations can be managed efficiently through adaptable scene handling functionalities.
There are also new Lens Distortion tools which can simplify the motion tracking process. Besides, the Spline Tools are totally revamped to make workflow better for managing points, lines, tangents, arcs and lots other.
The most exciting feature is that Cinema 4D R17 is integrated with Sketchup and this feature empowers the creative professionals to populate their scenes instantly with the use of free, ready-to-use objects which are produced and delivered by sketchup user community.
Cinema 4D R17 some advanced features like Take System, Lens Distortion Support, Graph View for Motion Tracker, New Spline Tools, Superior Animation Workflow, Improved Sculpting, Incorporation with Houdini Engine, Incorporation with Sketchup.
Cinema 4D Release 17 is expected to be launched in September 2015 and it will support Mac OS X and Windows platforms. Visit, to avail pricing and upgrade information as well as recommended system requirements.
Watch the following video presentation presented by Rick Barrett that focuses on Sketchup (.skp) Import of Textured Models from 3D Warehouse.